

Today, we have already study in C program, before C, we're confused in Thumb section example. But after we've asked teacher then we figure out.

This afternoon, we plan the meeting note on next _Mon._, as below:

1. Instruction Set; CC, Instruct Monenic

2. Solve problem procedure;
*bl, stmfc, adr +8, thumb +1, stack_top
*little-endian, Pre-index, Post-index

3. Command Script
*Can any script to finish the set procedure?

4. R13. SP, R14. LR, R15. PC
*Memory Layout status

5. Flags
*msr, mrs, cpsr, spsr

And next _Wed._:
1. Gamil, Calendar
2. adreus


What are linker script files?

From:What are linker script files?

Date 7/5/2005 10:42:22 AM
Question What are linker script files?

Linker script:
In the Embed system development, it needs to use linker position file. This file describes the relevant information of code linker position, including code section, data section, address section, and the linker shall use the code of this file to the whole system as correct position. This file is called as linker scripts file.
The following is an example of Linker script:

. = 0x02000000;
.text : { *(.text) }
Image_RO_Limit = .;
Image_RW_Base = .;
.data : { *(.data) }
.rodata : { *(.rodata) }
Image_ZI_Base = .;
.bss : { *(.bss) }
Image_ZI_Limit = .;
__bss_start__ = .;
__bss_end__ = .;
end = .;
.debug_info 0 : { *(.debug_info) }
.debug_line 0 : { *(.debug_line) }
.debug_abbrev 0 : { *(.debug_abbrev)}
.debug_frame 0 : { *(.debug_frame) }

What's is command script (*.cs) ?

From: What is a command script file *.cs? How can I make a command script file?

Haha~~ it is one of FAQs. :P I am lamer. 囧rz

Date 7/5/2005 10:47:09 AM
Question What is a command script file *.cs? How can I make a command script file?

While debugging software or after the target board resetted, sometimes users may need IDE automatically finish some special functions such as resetting target board, clearing off watchdog, shutting off interrupts, memory map, etc., these special functions can be completed through executing a group of commands. This group of commands saved as a text file and is called command script file.
You can execute the command script (*.cs) file to initialize your target board before debugging. But such a file is not necessary if some programs (such as bios,bootloader) execute well after power on. The cs file for Embest Debugger is just very useful to debug a target board without any code in boot rom.
For Embest IDE, when remotely connected to the target device, we can execute the command script (*.cs) file to initialize the system before debugging. We can do as following:
Project ->Settings ->DEBUG ->Action After connected, select the command script that you want to execute.
The following are the examples of command scripts :

; stop target CPU
; configurations of the special register
memwrite 0xffe00000 0x01002535
memwrite 0xffe00004 0x02002121
memwrite 0xffe00024 0x06
; configuration for Mapping Address
memwrite 0xffe00020 0x01
download -v D:\Demo\armdemo\debug\led.elf 0x2000000


PS2 Linux

PlayStation®2 Developer Network
Opening Up the PlayStation 2 with Linux

*Scientific Computing on the Sony PlayStation 2


Today, we have the experiment on Sec.3.1-1 and Sec.3.1-2, we know the Flash address range and RAM address range.

The Embest IDE is not stable on the PC, we don't know what's going on, PCs' or Embests' problem. Clicking the "Rest(Ctrl+R)", the entry point will be offset, advisor said that, 'cuz the entry point be taked to 0x00000000, and the "Connect" will excute the initial file (*.cs), then initial some memory addressing configuration. Thus, after Reset, entry point will be offset, and different with program specified.

Be mentioned is this section, "lsr" and "lsl", a little different. :-)


ARM[7,9] Survey log

ARM9 Family
* ARM9 has two cores, ARM920T(Dual 8K cache) & ARM922T(Dual 16K cache)
* Supports much feature(SoC, extension application).

ARM7 Family
* ARM720T has the MMU.
* ARM7 all has the AHB(Advanced High-performance Bus)
* ARM7 has four cores, ARM7TDMI, ARM7TDMI-S, ARM7EJ-S, ARM720T
* Supports Java, Jazelle, JTEK


SIC/XE assembler

In this semester, one of corriculum, System Software. We need to write a SIC/XE assembler, my stuff is not be done in now, it is such buggy.

Some drawback below,
1. Generating the right objcode output.
2. The SYMTAB can be replaced by HashTab
3. Snipping some variables which doesn't used.

1. To survey the performance with algorithm(timer) with my sutff.
2. ...

Finally, thx for somebody who has been help me for code it, especially kornelius. :)

Download my sutff