




POSIX threads explained, A simple and nimble tool for memory sharing

Daniel Robbins

Parallel Programming

Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers
Barry Wilkinson
Parallel Computers

Concurrency vs. Parallelism

They are not the same! Parallelism is a subset of Concurrency. Parallelism implies simultaneous running of code (which is impossible on uniprocessor machines) while Concurrency implies that many tasks can run in any order and possibly in parallel.


Linux: The 0.01 Release


Sent to you by Alan via Google Reader:


"This is a free minix-like kernel for i386(+) based AT-machines," began the Linux version 0.01 release notes in September of 1991 for the first release of the Linux kernel. "As the version number (0.01) suggests this is not a mature product. Currently only a subset of AT-hardware is supported (hard-disk, screen, keyboard and serial lines), and some of the system calls are not yet fully implemented (notably mount/umount aren't even implemented)." Booting the original 0.01 Linux kernel required bootstrapping it with minix, and the keyboard driver was written in assembly and hard-wired for a Finnish keyboard. The listed features were mostly presented as a comparison to minix and included, efficiently using the 386 chip rather than the older 8088, use of system calls rather than message passing, a fully multithreaded FS, minimal task switching, and visible interrupts. Linus Torvalds noted, "the guiding line when implementing linux was: get it working fast. I wanted the kernel simple, yet powerful enough to run most unix software." In a section titled "Apologies :-)" he noted:

"This isn't yet the 'mother of all operating systems', and anyone who hoped for that will have to wait for the first real release (1.0), and even then you might not want to change from minix. This is a source release for those that are interested in seeing what linux looks like, and it's not really supported yet."

read more


Lighttpd Configuration Reference



Uninstall DRBL

for i in `acs drbl|cut -f 1 -d " "`; do agr -y "$i";done


1. Matrix Multiplication
2. 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 999999 with pthreads method
3. Dividing the huge matrices into small parts
4. Redo last step with pthreads
5. Knowing how to manipulate icc


POSIX Threads

Native POSIX Thread Library (NPTL), getconf GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION, NPTL 2.3.6

NPTL Trace Tool

IBM Linux Technology Library, Linux threading models compared: LinuxThreads and NPTL


HPC Links

Gluster is a GNU cluster distribution aimed at commoditizing Supercomputing and Superstorage. Core of the Gluster provides a platform for developing clustering applications tailored for a specific tasks such as HPC Clustering, Storage Clustering, Enterprise Provisioning, Database Clustering etc.

Z RESEARCH enables System Integrators, with little or no experience in clustering, to build Clustered File Storage, HPC Clusters and Supercomputers from Commodity off the Shelf Components (COTS) using Clustered architecture and Z RESEARCH'S software stack 'Gluster'.

amar, 可愛的網域。 :) 是一位印裔工程師。


Computer cluster


e1000_request_irq: Unable to allocate MSI interrupt Error: -22

結論是,暫時不要用 linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic 或 Feist 的版本。 衝 gutsy!!

dmesg eth0 e1000_request_irq Unable to allocate MSI interrupt Error: 22

wired ethernet interface missing
e1000 high latency problem, msi error on boot.