
Installing XP: ***STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF78D2524,0xC0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000)

Platform: Lenovo SL400 (2743-RK3)

When installing Windows XP, during the booting procedure, it shows up the BSOD screen, "Installing XP: ***STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF78D2524,0xC0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000)". After run the complete memtest86+, it occurs again.

The solution is here, disable HD drive from ACHI to Compatibility.


Converting integer to string in ANSI C

const char *base = "BLAH BLAH BLAH";
unsigned int idx = 0;
char *buf = NULL;

buf = (char *) malloc (strlen (base) + sizeof (unsigned int));
sprintf (buf, "%s%d", buf, idx);
printf ("buf: %s\n", buf);



Compaq CQ60-201AU downgrade

First ball, thanks to Compaq Presario CQ60-104AU/ CQ60-210AU 改 XP takes me many hints, and special thanks to Conexant High Definition SmartAudio 221 probbblemmmm!(WİNDOWS XP DRİVERS=), they were just discussing the audio driver.

This downgrade makes me understand that, some vendors combine some components of their product whole only supports vista drivers, it's really sucks. Fortunately, many geeks turn it works fine. So we can search their great solution and study its experiences.


Why was your message broken?

I like send messages rather than dialing to communicate wtih my cellphone. As using so far, I have a big problem in my mind, that, why was messages broken when it was enough long to send? I had asked my service provider CHT, the service-person told me that caused by my OLD-SYLTE-PHONE, it is never happen with newer phone. I did not believe that anyhow. Until today morning, I have read a article on OSNEW.com, Why Text Messages Are Limited to 160 Characters, that pushes me to find something more out.

My Nokia 1650 cellphone supports SMS, EMS and Instant Messaging, spec page said that supports length up to 250 characters, not as long as wikipedia SMS page said, 160 characters.

I have not yet find anything solves it problem to normal message.



Anyone has this information who has mentioned "abortion". :P

glibc 25.6.4 Aborting a Program

Future Change Warning: Proposed Federal censorship regulations
may prohibit us from giving you information about the possibility of
calling this function. We would be required to say that this is not an
acceptable way of terminating a program.

Explanation: Re: Federal censorship regulations

The warning may be tongue in cheek. Anyone living in the US is
aware of the extreme sensitivity of the abortion issue (as it
applies to human foetuses, not computer programs).

Allin Cottrell.


Compilin SQLite from source code

This article is describe how to compile SQLite 3 from its source code scratch.


1. Setting current path as $TOP variable.
export TOP=`pwd`

2. Getting source code tarball from official web site, and save it to $TOP.
wget http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-3.6.11.tar.gz -O $TOP/sqlite-3.6.11.tar.gz

3. Extracting
cd $TOP; gzip -dc sqlite-3.6.11.tar.gz | tar -xf - ; cd sqlite-3.6.11

4. Detecting something in system environment.

5. Executing make if previous step successful. Doing debug with err.txt if errors occurs during makeing.
make 1> /dev/null 2> err.txt

6. Installing files to system (/usr/local/), need root permission.
# make install


tmux - terminal multiplexer

Install steps
1. Downloading all packages, assume you're in bash shell.
wget -c http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/t/tmux/tmux_0.5{-1.d{iff.gz,sc},.orig.tar.gz}

2. Unpacking and patch, then compie it.

$ gzip -d tmux_0.5-1.diff.gz
$ tar -zxf tmux_0.5.orig.tar.gz; cd tmux-0.5
$ patch -Np1 < ../tmux_0.5-1.diff
# make 1> /dev/null 2> err.txt && make install

3. Tuning it


set prefix ^\
set status on
set status-bg yellow
set status-fg block
set status-right " "

# For 0.7

unbind ^b
set -g prefix ^\
set -g status on
set -g status-bg yellow
set -g status-fg black
set -g utf8 off

alias t='tmux attach -d'

under testing...

Really runs faster than GNU Screen!!

OSNews, Stayin' Alive with GNU Screen, http://osnews.com/comments/20962
mentors.debian.net, http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/t/tmux/


SSH Tunnel memo


Specifies a port ${OUTDOOR_PORT} forwarding (-D) to ${REMOTE_SERVER} with ${USER}, that without executing the remote commands (-N), and requests all data compressed (-C).

Changing its SOCKS Host to localhost and Port to ${OUTDOOR_PORT}.

Installing the tsocks, do manipulate with links article.

1. code in the ruins, Opera 9/SOCKS hack, http://code.mogrify.org/2006/07/05/opera-9socks-hack/
2. polishlinux.org, SSH Tunnels: Bypass (Almost) Any Firewall, http://polishlinux.org/apps/ssh-tunneling-to-bypass-corporate-firewalls/


Why didn't Plan 9 take over the world?

Plan 9: The Way the Future Was

*scanty documentation, much confusion and stumbling over fees and licensing.
* In 2003 it looks like Plan 9 failed simply because it fell short of being a compelling enough improvement on Unix to displace its ancestor.
* Some Plan 9 ideas have been absorbed into modern Unixes, particularly the more innovative open-source versions. FreeBSD has a /proc file system modeled exactly on that of Plan 9 that can be used to query or control running processes.
* Experimental 2003 versions of Linux are implementing per-process mount points, a long step toward Plan 9's private namespaces.
* The various open-source Unixes are all moving toward systemwide support for UTF-8, an encoding actually invented for Plan 9.

Plan 9 is not good enough to take over to the various unix world.